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次へ: 2002年度 上へ: heaf-paper-lst 戻る: 2004年度


``A New Candidate for the Dark Group of Galaxies, RX J0419+0225'':
M. Kawaharada, K. Makishima, I. Takahashi, K. Nakazawa, K. Matsushita, K. Shimasaku, Y. Fukazawa, H. Xu
PASJ 55, 573-577 (2003)

``Chandra X-Ray Spectral Analysis of Cooling Flow Clousters, 2A 0335+096 and Abell 2199'':
N. Kawano, A. Ohto, Y. Fukazawa
PASJ 55, 585-592 (2003)

``X-Ray Spectral Properties of Hot Gas Cavities around NGC 4636'':
A. Ohto, N. Kawano, Y. Fukazawa
PASJ 55, 819-826 (2003)

``Hard X-ray and γ-ray detectors for the NeXT mission'':
T. Takahashi, K. Makishima, Y. Fukazawa, M. Kokubun, K. Nakazawa, M. Nomachi, H. Tajima, M. Tashiro, Y. Terada
New Astro. Rev. 48, 269-273 (2004)

``Radiation hardening of silicon strip detectors'':
S. Yoshida, T. Ohsugi, Y. Fukazawa, K. Yamamura, K. Yamamoto, K. Sato
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 514, 38-43 (2003)

``Performance of large-area avalanche photodiode for low-energy X-rays and small gamma, Greek-rays scintillation detection'':
Ikagawa, T., Kataoka, J., Yatsu, Y., Kawai, N., Mori, K., Kamae, T., Tajima, H., Mizuno,T., Fukazawa, Y., Ishikawa, Y., Kawabata, N., Inutsuka, T.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 515, 671-679 (2003)

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次へ: 2002年度 上へ: heaf-paper-lst 戻る: 2004年度
Yasushi Fukazawa 平成17年5月14日